Sha3 Proof of Work Algorithms

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Proof of Work is not a single consensus algorithm. Rather it is a class of algorithms represented in Substrate by the PowAlgorithm trait. Before we can build a PoW node we must specify a concrete PoW algorithm by implementing this trait. In this recipe we specify two concrete PoW algorithms, both of which are based on the sha3 hashing algorithm.

Minimal Sha3 PoW

First we turn our attention to a minimal working implementation. This consensus engine is kept intentionally simple. It omits some features that make Proof of Work practical for real-world use such as difficulty adjustment.

Begin by creating a struct that will implement the PowAlgorithm Trait.

/// A minimal PoW algorithm that uses Sha3 hashing.
/// Difficulty is fixed at 1_000_000
pub struct MinimalSha3Algorithm;

Because this is a minimal PoW algorithm, our struct can also be quite simple. In fact, it is a unit struct. A more complex PoW algorithm that interfaces with the runtime would need to hold a reference to the client. An example of this (on an older Substrate codebase) can be seen in Kulupu's RandomXAlgorithm.


The first function we must provide returns the difficulty of the next block to be mined. In our minimal sha3 algorithm, this function is quite simple. The difficulty is fixed. This means that as more mining power joins the network, the block time will become faster.

impl<B: BlockT<Hash = H256>> PowAlgorithm<B> for MinimalSha3Algorithm {
	type Difficulty = U256;

	fn difficulty(&self, _parent: B::Hash) -> Result<Self::Difficulty, Error<B>> {
		// Fixed difficulty hardcoded here

	// --snip--


Our PoW algorithm must also be able to verify blocks provided by other authors. We are first given the pre-hash, which is a hash of the block before the proof of work seal is attached. We are also given the seal, which testifies that the work has been done, and the difficulty that the block author needed to meet. This function first confirms that the provided seal actually meets the target difficulty, then it confirms that the seal is actually valid for the given pre-hash.

fn verify(
	_parent: &BlockId<B>,
	pre_hash: &H256,
	_pre_digest: Option<&[u8]>,
	seal: &RawSeal,
	difficulty: Self::Difficulty,
) -> Result<bool, Error<B>> {
	// Try to construct a seal object by decoding the raw seal given
	let seal = match Seal::decode(&mut &seal[..]) {
		Ok(seal) => seal,
		Err(_) => return Ok(false),

	// See whether the hash meets the difficulty requirement. If not, fail fast.
	if !hash_meets_difficulty(&, difficulty) {
		return Ok(false);

	// Make sure the provided work actually comes from the correct pre_hash
	let compute = Compute {
		pre_hash: *pre_hash,
		nonce: seal.nonce,

	if compute.compute() != seal {
		return Ok(false);


Realistic Sha3 PoW

Having understood the fundamentals, we can now build a more realistic sha3 algorithm. The primary difference here is that this algorithm will fetch the difficulty from the runtime via a runtime api. This change allows the runtime to dynamically adjust the difficulty based on block time. So if more mining power joins the network, the diffculty adjusts, and the blocktime remains constant.

Defining the Sha3Algorithm Struct

We begin as before by defining a struct that will implement the PowAlgorithm trait. Unlike before, this struct must hold a reference to the Client so it can call the appropriate runtime APIs.

/// A complete PoW Algorithm that uses Sha3 hashing.
/// Needs a reference to the client so it can grab the difficulty from the runtime.
pub struct Sha3Algorithm<C> {
	client: Arc<C>,

Next we provide a new method for conveniently creating instances of our new struct.

impl<C> Sha3Algorithm<C> {
	pub fn new(client: Arc<C>) -> Self {
		Self { client }

And finally we manually implement Clone. We cannot derive clone as we did for the MinimalSha3Algorithm.

// Manually implement clone. Deriving doesn't work because
// it'll derive impl<C: Clone> Clone for Sha3Algorithm<C>. But C in practice isn't Clone.
impl<C> Clone for Sha3Algorithm<C> {
	fn clone(&self) -> Self {

It isn't critical to understand why the manual Clone implementation is necessary, just that it is necessary.

Implementing the PowAlgorithm trait

As before we implement the PowAlgorithm trait for our Sha3Algorithm. This time we supply more complex trait bounds to ensure that the encapsulated client actually provides the DifficultyAPI necessary to fetch the PoW difficulty from the runtime.

impl<B: BlockT<Hash = H256>, C> PowAlgorithm<B> for Sha3Algorithm<C>
	C: ProvideRuntimeApi<B>,
	C::Api: DifficultyApi<B, U256>,
	type Difficulty = U256;

	// --snip

The implementation of PowAlgorithm's difficulty function, no longer returns a fixed value, but rather calls into the runtime API which is guaranteed to exist because of the trait bounds. It also maps any errors that may have occurred when using the API.

fn difficulty(&self, parent: B::Hash) -> Result<Self::Difficulty, Error<B>> {
	let parent_id = BlockId::<B>::hash(parent);
		.map_err(|err| {
				format!("Fetching difficulty from runtime failed: {:?}", err)

The verify function is unchanged from the MinimalSha3Algorithm implementation.