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Pallet Overview

The pallet

The Supersig pallet provide function for:

  • Creating a supersig,
  • Adding and removing members,
  • Leaving the supersig,
  • Submit transaction to a supersig,
  • Vote for the transaction,
  • Remove a pending transaction,
  • Delete a supersig,

Dispatchable Functions

  • create_supersig - create a supersig, with specified members. The creator will have to deposit an existencial balance and a deposit that depend on the number of members, in the supersig account. This last amount will be reserved on the supersig

    /!!\ note of caution /!!\ the creator of the supersig will NOT be added by default, he will have to pass his adress into the list of added users.

  • submit_call - make a proposal on the specified supersig. an amount corresponding to the length of the encoded call will be reserved.

  • approve_call - give a positive vote to a call. if the number of vote >= SimpleMajority, the call is executed. An user can only approve a call once.

  • remove_call - remove a call from the poll. The reserved amount of the proposer will be unreserved

  • add_members - add new members to the supersig. In case some user are already in the supersig, they will be ignored.

  • remove_members - remove members from the supersig. In case some user are not in the supersig, they will be ignored.

  • remove_supersig - remove the supersig and all the associated data. Funds will be unreserved and transfered to specified beneficiary.

  • leave_supersig - remove the caller from the supersig.

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