Ringbuffer Queue

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Building a transient adapter on top of storage.

This pallet provides a trait and implementation for a ringbuffer that abstracts over storage items and presents them as a FIFO queue.

When building more sophisticated pallets you might notice a need for more complex data structures stored in storage. This recipe shows how to build a transient storage adapter by walking through the implementation of a ringbuffer FIFO queue. The adapter in this recipe manages a queue that is persisted as a StorageMap and a (start, end) range in storage.

The ringbuffer-queue/src/lib.rs file contains the usage of the transient storage adapter while ringbuffer-queue/src/ringbuffer.rs contains the implementation.

Defining the RingBuffer Trait

First we define the queue interface we want to use:

pub trait RingBufferTrait<Item>
	Item: Codec + EncodeLike,
	/// Store all changes made in the underlying storage.
	fn commit(&self);
	/// Push an item onto the end of the queue.
	fn push(&mut self, i: Item);
	/// Pop an item from the start of the queue.
	fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<Item>;
	/// Return whether the queue is empty.
	fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;

It defines the usual push, pop and is_empty functions we expect from a queue as well as a commit function that will be used to sync the changes made to the underlying storage.

Specifying the RingBuffer Transient

Now we want to add an implementation of the trait. We will be storing the start and end of the ringbuffer separately from the actual items and will thus need to store these in our struct:

pub struct RingBufferTransient<Index>
	Index: Codec + EncodeLike + Eq + Copy,
	start: Index,
	end: Index,

Defining the Storage Interface

In order to access the underlying storage we will also need to include the bounds (we will call the type B) and the item storage (whose type will be M). In order to specify the constraints on the storage map (M) we will also need to specify the Item type. This results in the following struct definition:

pub struct RingBufferTransient<Item, B, M, Index>
	Item: Codec + EncodeLike,
	B: StorageValue<(Index, Index), Query = (Index, Index)>,
	M: StorageMap<Index, Item, Query = Item>,
	Index: Codec + EncodeLike + Eq + Copy,
	start: Index,
	end: Index,
	_phantom: PhantomData<(Item, B, M)>,

The bounds B will be a StorageValue storing a tuple of indices (Index, Index). The item storage will be a StorageMap mapping from our Index type to the Item type. We specify the associated Query type for both of them to help with type inference (because the value returned can be different from the stored representation).

The Codec and EncodeLike type constraints make sure that both items and indices can be stored in storage.

We need the PhantomData in order to "hold on to" the types during the lifetime of the transient object.

The Complete Type

There are two more alterations we will make to our struct to make it work well:

type DefaultIdx = u16;
pub struct RingBufferTransient<Item, B, M, Index = DefaultIdx>
	Item: Codec + EncodeLike,
	B: StorageValue<(Index, Index), Query = (Index, Index)>,
	M: StorageMap<Index, Item, Query = Item>,
	Index: Codec + EncodeLike + Eq + WrappingOps + From<u8> + Copy,
	start: Index,
	end: Index,
	_phantom: PhantomData<(Item, B, M)>,

We specify a default type for Index and define it as u16 to allow for 65536 entries in the ringbuffer per default. We also add the WrappingOps and From<u8> type bounds to enable the kind of operations we need in our implementation. More details in the implementation section, especially in the WrappingOps subsection.

Implementation of the RingBuffer

Now that we have the type definition for RingBufferTransient we need to write the implementation.

Instantiating the Transient

First we need to specify how to create a new instance by providing a new function:

impl<Item, B, M, Index> RingBufferTransient<Item, B, M, Index>
where // ... same where clause as the type, elided here
	pub fn new() -> RingBufferTransient<Item, B, M, Index> {
		let (start, end) = B::get();
		RingBufferTransient {
			start, end, _phantom: PhantomData,

Here we access the bounds stored in storage to initialize the transient.

Aside: Of course we could also provide a with_bounds function that takes the bounds as a parameter. Feel free to add that function as an exercise.

Second Aside: This B::get() is one of the reasons for specifying the Query associated type on the StorageValue type constraint.

Implementing the RingBufferTrait

We will now implement the RingBufferTrait:

impl<Item, B, M, Index> RingBufferTrait<Item> for RingBufferTransient<Item, B, M, Index>
where // same as the struct definition
	Item: Codec + EncodeLike,
	B: StorageValue<(Index, Index), Query = (Index, Index)>,
	M: StorageMap<Index, Item, Query = Item>,
	Index: Codec + EncodeLike + Eq + WrappingOps + From<u8> + Copy,
	fn commit(&self) {
		B::put((self.start, self.end));

commit just consists of putting the potentially changed bounds into storage. You will notice that we don't update the bounds' storage when changing them in the other functions.

	fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
		self.start == self.end

The is_empty function just checks whether the start and end bounds have the same value to determine whether the queue is empty, thus avoiding expensive storage accesses. This means we need to uphold the corresponding invariant in the other (notably the push) functions.

	fn push(&mut self, item: Item) {
		M::insert(self.end, item);
		// this will intentionally overflow and wrap around when bonds_end
		// reaches `Index::max_value` because we want a ringbuffer.
		let next_index = self.end.wrapping_add(1.into());
		if next_index == self.start {
			// queue presents as empty but is not
			// --> overwrite the oldest item in the FIFO ringbuffer
			self.start = self.start.wrapping_add(1.into());
		self.end = next_index;

In the push function, we insert the pushed item into the map and calculate the new bounds by using the wrapping_add function. This way our ringbuffer will wrap around when reaching max_value of the Index type. This is why we need the WrappingOps type trait for Index.

The if is necessary because we need to keep the invariant that start == end means that the queue is empty, otherwise we would need to keep track of this state separately. We thus "toss away" the oldest item in the queue if a new item is pushed into a full queue by incrementing the start index.

Note: The WrappingOps Trait

The ringbuffer should be agnostic to the concrete Index type used. In order to decrement and increment the start and end index, though, any concrete type needs to implement wrapping_add and wrapping_sub. Because std does not provide such a trait, we need another way to require this behavior. We just implement our own trait WrappingOps for the types we want to support (u8, u16, u32 and u64).

The last function we implement is pop:

	fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<Item> {
		if self.is_empty() {
			return None;
		let item = M::take(self.start);
		self.start = self.start.wrapping_add(1.into());


We can return None on is_empty because we are upholding the invariant. If the queue is not empty we take the value at self.start from storage, i.e. the first value is removed from storage and passed to us. We then increment self.start to point to the new first item of the queue, again using the wrapping_add to get the ringbuffer behavior.

Implementing Drop

In order to make the usage more ergonomic and to avoid synchronization errors (where the storage map diverges from the bounds) we also implement the Drop trait:

impl<Item, B, M, Index> Drop for RingBufferTransient<Item, B, M, Index>
where // ... same where clause elided
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		<Self as RingBufferTrait<Item>>::commit(self);

On drop, we commit the bounds to storage. With this implementation of Drop, commit is called when our transient goes out of scope, making sure that the storage state is consistent for the next call to the using pallet.

Typical Usage

The lib.rs file of the pallet shows typical usage of the transient.

impl<T: Config> Module<T> {
	fn queue_transient() -> Box<dyn RingBufferTrait<ValueStruct>> {
			<Self as Store>::BufferRange,
			<Self as Store>::BufferMap,

First we define a constructor function (queue_transient) so we don't have to specify the types every time we want to access the transient. This function constructs a ringbuffer transient and returns it as a boxed trait object. See the Rust book's section on trait objects for an explanation of why we need a boxed trait object (defined with the syntax dyn TraitName) when using dynamic dispatch.

The add_multiple function shows the actual typical usage of our transient:

pub fn add_multiple(origin, integers: Vec<i32>, boolean: bool) -> DispatchResult {
	let _user = ensure_signed(origin)?;
	let mut queue = Self::queue_transient();
	for integer in integers {
		queue.push(ValueStruct{ integer, boolean });
} // commit happens on drop

Here we use the queue_transient function defined above to get a queue object. We then push into it repeatedly with commit happening on drop of the queue object at the end of the function. pop works analogously and can of course be intermixed with pushes.